
The Importance of Having a good pair of binoculars while on a Safari

You may be wondering why we at Sikiliza Design believe that having a pair of good quality binoculars is of utmost importance on any Safari trip. Perhaps you have 20/20 vision, or high quality eye glasses – either way, you still need a pair of long range binoculars that can withstand behind knocked against a rock, falling into water or any sorts of mishaps that could occur whilst in the African bushes. Here’s why we recommend that you make sure to pack this essential tool when planning your next big adventure!

Getting up close & personal

Imagine you’re camping and you notice a movement to your left. There’s a vague grey object stumbling through the long blades of Safari grass – it looks like an elephant but you can’t be sure so you squint your eyes to get a better view but the object is still blurry and big and grey. You want to get closer, but you know you can’t, you may scare the animal away and it may be your only time ever seeing a big grey animal in the grassy outlands of Africa.
Now imagine that exact moment but with a pair of binoculars instead – You can see that it is an elephant now without having to have moved an inch from where you are or possibly scaring the animal away. You zoom the lens a bit and you see that it is two elephants, a mother and her child, drinking serenely at the water hole – it’s a once in a lifetime site, you can see all the tiny hair littered across the elephants – did you know elephants were hairy?? You watch, awed at the sheer magnificence of watching this all happen from the comfort of your tent except the experience is as if you were right beside those elephants, as if you could reach out your hands and touch it, stroke your hands over that leathery creased skin, watching these animals in their element!

Going incognito

Being  in a natural bush, the chances of coming across a lion or a pack of hyenas is rather high, and you may want to see the furry creatures without alerting them of your presence and possibly becoming their meal. Now you would one do that?? Watch a pride of roaring lions as it feasts on some aging carcass without having it know that you are there? A pair of binoculars of close – these can allow you to stay in you car, or spot behind a tree without behind visible to these animals – you will also be able to gain a closer view of these animals as if you were right there with them! This pair of second eyes could make you your very own 007!


It can be oddly tempting to perhaps get closer to some geographical feature, It could be getting a closer look at the Victoria Falls rapids, Or standing atop some of the rigid Nyanga cliffs to get a better view of whatever lies beyond – but however how tempting, these scenarios can be extremely dangerous and could result in ones tragic untimely death. The best way to avoid such temptation is to carry a pair of binoculars wherever you go thus ensuring you have full vision of whatever you would like to see without risking your life in the process!

This is why you need a good, sturdy pair of binoculars (with all those rocks and trees in the bush, you ought to be extra safe), to be able to experience every single bit of Safari life without inconveniencing yourself or the bush’s wildlife.

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